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Rising Up to Call Her Blessed

By Robbie Franks
God established the Christian home to include mothers who love and train their children in the Lord.

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The second Sunday of May is the day that the United States traditionally sets aside to honor and celebrate those precious people that God has given us, called mothers. Every year cards are purchased or made with loving hands, phone calls are placed, restaurants are packed, and gifts are given in an attempt to show appreciation to those who have given us much, both physically and spiritually. But do we really know the origins of this day?

Some say Mother's Day began with the efforts of one lone woman, Anna Jarvis, of Grafton, W. Va. Anna wanted to honor her deceased mother and encourage others to honor their mothers in a special Sunday service. On that first Sunday in 1907, Anna presented a white carnation, (her mother's favorite flower), to every mother present. It was an overwhelming success, and an idea was quickly born!


She began to organize others, and soon sought the endorsement of the state. In 1910, West Virginia became the first state to recognize a formal Mother's Day. Soon, state after state followed their lead until, on May 10, 1913, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution officially recognizing Mother's Day.

It's a beautiful story of one daughter's determination to honor her mother, isn't it? But in actuality, the history of Mother's Day began much earlier than that, (at least in intent). Think back, if you will, to the giving of the law on Mount Sinai. At the very formation of the nation of Israel, God decreed this in the fifth commandment, found in Exodus 20:12: "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you"

In a day and age where our culture seems to spend it's time ridiculing parents through the media and trying to escape responsibilities as adult children, we as Christians have an opportunity for GREAT impact. You see, everyone observes Mother's Day to some extent, but how many of us live every day of our lives in obedience to the 5th commandment?


To our mothers and to a watching world, our testimony of love and respect can be heard much more clearly the other 364 days a year! God has established a beautiful design for the Christian home, one which includes mothers who love their children and seek to diligently train them up in the Lord through both example and instruction. However, it also includes grateful children who, whether yet at home or adults with their own households, take the time and effort to express honor to their mothers today and every day! The Scriptures are full of godly examples of mothers, both physical and spiritual, and the impact they have had in this world.

Consider these:


• Hannah – the mother of Samuel (Samuel 1)

•Ruth - the great grandmother of David (Ruth)

•The woman of Proverbs 31

•Mary – the mother of Jesus (Luke 1, 2)

•Elizabeth - the mother of John the Baptist and spiritual encourager to Mary (Luke 1)

•Eunice and Lois - mother and grandmother of Timothy (2 Timothy)


And the list goes on and on!

Why not take the time to look up these Scriptures, and then consider the impact that your mother(s) (both physical and spiritual) have had in your life?

You see, while Mother's Day is about moms, it is just as much about the responsibility of their children to honor their mothers, and by so doing, to bring honor to God through their obedience. May we all be encouraged to spend some time in prayerful thanking to God for the gift of our mother(s), and then may we strive to honor her all the days of our lives!

Robbie Franks is the mother of 7 covenant children and a daughter of the covenant; she states that she has been blessed with a mother who has been a godly example to me. She is the wife of TE Rick Franks, pastor of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church in Lutz, Fla. 


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